One of your family members is going to immigrate to Canada / Australia. Write a motivating and convincing letter to the embassy and let them know how much you care for this person and how you are going to support him/her.

Sample Answer :
Dear Sir/Madame;
Being our beloved child, Sarah has always been an integral part of our existence as a closely-tied family (attached are some pictures of moments spent together). This letter expresses the depth of love, trust, and support of us , as her parents, as she is going to accompny her husband on his temporary , educational this trip to Canada.
We understand that the decision to go is related to their goals and aspirations in life, and they that they are seeking after better opportunities and a brighter future. However, as parents, their distance from us has been difficult, and we also have concerns; along this path, they may face physical separation, distance from family, and cultural shocks , but our hearts and minds will stay them, and we will not miss out on any single effort to stay in touch through modern means of communication, such as video calls.
Providing them with emotional and spiritual support, we would like to emphasize that we will furnish them with financial assistance along the path they have chosen. As parents, we understand the expenses and financial needs that come with this decision. To achieve their dreams and build a better life, we will exert all our efforts to financially support them. This include assistance with visa expenses, tuition fees, accommodation, basic living expenses, and other financial needs associated with their decision.
Cordially Regards,
Sarah`s Parents

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