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The Power of Dreams. Dream or Not Dream

Apparently, you are aware that this is quite a subject. A lot of people dream about achieving great things and; becoming fulfilled individuals. At the same time, many others don’t give it much thought at all. In any case, we al agree that dreams are extraordinary and unique in their own way.

 The Honda Motor Company has an Ad campaign (on a couple of international magazines) about dreams. The theme; a hand made doll with unpainted eyes. The idea, is for its owner to paint one eye; as a sign that you are about to embark on fulfilling a particular dream/goal/objective of yours. Upon completing this goal, you can then paint the other eye.

Now, you can buy as many of these dolls as you choose to. The bottom line is that you follow the practice. Following a dream is quite an endeavor. Some people have likened it to spiritual discipline. Others say its rewards are beyond measure. We can nurture anything. Making a music record; making clothes/fashion, starting a company, making a trip to some distant exotic location, going on a pilgrimage, graduating from school with distinction, and so much more. The tasks or goals are infinite. They take the shape of its promoter, which is you. You design your dream in such a way that you find suitable: putting into consideration your strengths and weaknesses. However, there are certain obstacles; failures; difficulties (the ups and downs).

Nevertheless, these are only stepping stones onto more success. You should be able to bend these into your favor. Practice fortitude. Although some people may never experience such obstacles, it is important to prepare for challenges on your journey.

For those who dream (of becoming something more), it helps keep your sanity; and, maintaining focus on the achievements to come. Dreams are a good thing to have. They nurture devotion, skill and enthusiasm. Intelligence is sharpened by the experiences gone through. A dream becomes a teacher in your life (the person who practices it), with so many lessons to give. As such, you’ll have to receive them with open arms.

 Eventually, it becomes a blessing to your life. In many ways, you will find that your dream has (a spill over) an effect on the lives of others. That is the beauty of a good dream. It is set on a foundation of love. Love manifests in many ways. Most times, unassuming but always sure. So, nurture your dream. Hold unto it faithfully. Never doubt your abilities and skill. You are capable of many things; (possibilities without boundaries). Believe in your self and in your dream. Finally, I say: to dream .




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