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5 Simple Success Strategies by an Over-Caffeinated Salesman

by Maria Gamb  
Recently I decided to purchase a new laptop computer. After visiting a couple establishments to enquire about the desired product resulting in some of the worst customer service I've ever seen I decided to go to the source. I headed to the big Apple store downtown in Soho on Prince Street. After all, why go to a middle man when you can simply go straight to the source. Best of all, what I received was a reminder of how great customer service manifest happy, excited and loyal customers. I always say this; but it's important to note that if you've got a product your marketing or you're part of a large corporation where you work on a product the same principles hold true.

When I arrived the store was swarming with people. The new iPhone had just been launched so there were people everywhere. After circling the laptop selection I was greeted by a 20-something overly caffeinated salesperson, Nick. Nick asked me what I was after and then told me "I promise you're gonna love your new Mac! I can't live without mine!" Without too much cajoling he walked me through the different options and gave me a 15 minute demo after I stammered just a little bit when he asked me if I was proficient. When I thanked him he just responds "hey, like, it's my total pleasure to show you how totally awesome this is!" He helped me find the right printer and the best neoprene carrying case by actually taking me to these displays in the store (FYI this is a massive store).

I thought, ok, let's see just how good Nick is: "Hey Nick, can you install the MS Office package for me?" I was testing the claim that all Macs boast a "plug and play" feature. "Miss. Gamb, it's really simple and should only take you about 15 minutes." "Yes Nick I know, but (I joked with him) Mercury is retrograde and I really shouldn't be touching anything mechanical right now, can you help me with this?" He got my joke and we both laughed - "Yup, I'll take care of it for you. No problemo" Nick walked me to the register and thanked me for my purchase. Then greeted me when I returned to pick up my fully loaded brand spanking new laptop. He reminded me that I would "just totally love my new Mac!" waved goodbye with a big smile and another thank you.

Nick was a "totally awesome" salesperson. Not only because I got the laptop I really wanted but also because he reminded me of some extremely important success principles.

1. Be Passionate About What You've Got to Offer - How confident are you in the product or service you offer your clients? When you exude enthusiasm it's hard for others around you not to literally feel that vibration coming from you and be affected in a positive way. When you're excited about what you have to offer others will want what you have! Becoming the expert and authority in your given niche helps you acquire a magnetic attraction quality.
2. Empower Others with Your Wisdom - Helping others to see the possibilities of what you have to offer them is essential in gaining a customer or client. Do you share freely the wisdom you have with others? Showing them how to make something easy makes the world of difference.
3. Honor the Promises You Make - If you've got a policy like Apple does, with a guaranteed "plug and play" so to speak, then honor that clause. People trust you more and become loyal to you. (This also holds true for meeting deadlines)
4. Practice What You Preach - No one says you need to be perfect. However, it's a great idea to actually be someone who takes the same actions you suggest others do. Or actually uses the concepts or products you recommend. This breeds integrity in what you do.
5. Show Your Appreciation - I never get tired of hearing someone say thank you when I buy something or use their services. It makes me feel really great! Especially as an entrepreneur I relate to others on that level and feel like I'm part of their success. There isn't a person alive that doesn't like being appreciated. I bet you can remember the last time someone DIDN'T say thank you to you. How did that make you feel about them? Not so good, right?

When you keep these 5 strategies in mind you will manifest a more productive form of success. If you don't believe me, take a look in any Apple store across the country. They use these success principles every day. They focus on making anyone who comes into their stores a happy, loyal customer. On any given day you would immediately notice: they are always crowded, the customers are excited and ready to purchase, the sales people are accessible and interactive and the registers are always ringing. How's that for a success.




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